Sunday 22 March 2015

Top Toys From The 90's

1.     Perfection
Anyone that has played this game knows the true meaning of a heart attack. For those who never got to experience this game, you had 60 seconds to place 25 different shapes into the grid. Once the 60 seconds were up the board would pop up and all of the pieces would come flying out. If you put all of the pieces in the board before the timer ran out, you won the game and saved yourself a jump scare.

2.       Little Tikes
Most 90’s experienced driving around this bad boy in kindergarten. If your parents bought this for you and let you ride it around the house, you were the coolest kid on the street.

3.       Hungry Hippos
For this game, you had 4 hippos and a lever that would make the hippo munch and you had to collect the most balls. Everyone knew that one kid that would use their hand to gather all of the balls towards their hippo.
4.       Easy Bake oven
The only time your parents would let you bake, but still have to watch over you.

5.       Skip It
You better have jumped in time or else you would be clenching your ankle for a nice 30 seconds.

6.       Nintendo 64
This is where most kids invested their time.

7.       Hit Clips
This was the cool way to listen to music.

8.       Game Boy
If you were out visiting family or were dragged out of the house by your parents, you brought your Game Boy to keep you occupied.

9.       Beanie Babies
Every kid wanted to be the kid with the most Beanie Babies. You know you had pretty much a farm of Beanie Babies and protected that tag like it was your own baby.

10.   Tamagotchi

Finally, if you don’t know what a Tamagotchi is then you definitely were not from the 90’s. Every kid that had a Tamagotchi had that thing hanging from their neck and flaunted it to all the other kids. If you saw someone else with a Tamagotchi hanging from their neck, you definitely knew there was a game to face off in. The most devastating moment of your childhood was to wake up and see that your Tamagotchi has passed away.

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